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Sitefinity Document Folder List Treeview Widget available
Sitefinity Document Folder List Treeview Widget available
What's new in Sitefinity 5.2 Webinar QA Log. This is the unedited QA session log for the 5.1 webinar session by @gabesumner
Sitefinity 5.2 has arrived, but here's some of the things we'd like to see for 5.3, lets call it a wishlist roadmap.
Sitefinity steve has 100 twitter followers now, go win stuff
This is the unedited QA session log for the 5.1 webinar from July 19th, 2012
Happy July 16th, Sitefinity 5.1 is out...lets now talk 5.2 wants :)
Suffering from a slow startup to your Sitefinity v4 project? This Nuget package will hit a bunch of urls to warm things up.
Sitefinity 4 doesn't ship with a commenting system, it's one of the things that didn't make it from v3 (yet). Here's how you can use the Disqus platform instead.
Here are some Telerik JustCode Templates you can use in the Sitefinity 4.4 Module builder.
I was so blown away by how cool 4.4 is, I had to record the Q/A part, here's the transcript!
Notice: Sitefinity 4.4 Module Builder Preview on KendoUI Release day
Drag\drop a google wave right onto a page in Sitefinity 3.x
I've modified the existing Files.aspx page under ~/Sitefinity/Admin...this one is better in Sitefinity 3.x :)
Help us fix the RadEditor, it mangles markup like it's intentional.
Available in the download area now is an assembly version of my Generic Content Wrapper controls for Sitefinity 3.x
Everything Sitefinity 4, all in one big post. Get ready, it's a big change from v3.
Sitefinity has removed it's free community edition and is now only offering a paid subscription option.
New control released that lets you set a background image on your ContentBlock
Release notes for the original RandomSiteControls for Sitefinity v3
Sitefinity acquires eCommerce company Mallsoft to create a custom eCommerce module for Sitefinity 4.